DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119647 Corpus ID: 239641969; A new combined collector for flotation separation of ilmenite from titanaugite in acidic pulp @article{Chai2022ANC, title={A new combined collector for flotation separation of ilmenite from titanaugite in acidic pulp}, author={Xujian Chai and Shangyong Lin and Ji-hua Zhai …
Here, the separation of ilmenite from VTM ore is studied by combining magnetic separation and flotation technologies. In particular, the floatability of mixed MOH/PG-1 collectors is thoroughly ...
separation of ilmenite from titanaugite using mixed collectors, Separation Science and Technology, 51:11, 1840-1846, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2016.1183678
ABSTRACT China is rich in titanium resources, which accounts for more than 35% of the world. But, until today, the industrial TiO2 recovery for ilmenite ore is slightly higher than 30% in the current pulsating high-gradient magnetic separation-flotation process (HGMS) so that a large amount of ilmenite value were lost in tailings. A …
Sodium trans-2-nonene hydroxamate (NaTNA), a derivative of hydroxamic acid, was successfully synthesized as an effective collector for the flotation separation of ilmenite and forsterite.Micro-flotation results showed that NaTNA exhibits a superior flotation performance for ilmenite compared to sodium oleate. To elucidate the flotation process, …
In recent years, centrifugal high gradient magnetic separation (CHGMS) was proposed for separating fine weakly magnetic ores, and it was proved effective for hematite and ilmenite [1] [2] [3 ...
The various properties of ilmenite such as high density, paramagnetism and electrical conductivity have enabled the gravity separation, high-intensity magnetic …
L'ilménite appartient au système cristallin trigonal. Son réseau est rhomboédrique et son groupe d'espace est R3. Ses paramètres de maille sont, exprimés dans la base hexagonale, = 5,088 Å et = 14,088 Å (V = 315,84 Å3, Z = 6) et sa densité calculée est 4,79 g/cm3 à température ambiante 20 .
Thus, the separation of of ilmenite from quartz using flotation process can be done more selectively than that from two other gangue phases. After surface dissolution, the kinetic selectivity index is increased for the treated ilmenite in the presence of various gangue minerals. This increase for treated Tr-Cch mineral phase is higher than that ...
For the subsequent separation of ilmenite and rutile, it is necessary to use the difference in their magnetic properties using electromagnetic separation methods. It has been established that when using the process of separating titanium minerals based on their difference in magnetic susceptibility, ilmenite will be found mainly in the magnetic ...
separation of ilmenite from titanaugite using mixed collectors, Separation Science and Technology, 51:11, 1840-1846, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2016.1183678 To link to this …
ilmenite is also mixed with impurities, it must be separated to obtain the high grade ilmenite. At present, the main separation methods include flotation [3,4], gravity [5], magnetic separation [6,7], and so on. For example, decanoic acid was found to be an effective collector, to float ilmenite in the strongly acidic pulp. The combination of ...
Froth flotation as a physico-chemical separation process is an effective tool for these cases (Fan and Rowson, 2000a, Fan and Rowson, 2000b, Fan et al., 2009, Zhu et al., 2011). The ilmenite structure is similar to that of …
The progress of ilmenite flotation research The theoretical content of TiO2 of ilmenite (FeTiO3) is 52.63%, which is the main mineral for extracting titanium and titanium dioxide. The industrially developed primary ilmenite is a composite deposit containing iron and titanium. The beneficiation process is divided into two parts: iron and titanium. The …
1. Introduction. Ilmenite (FeTiO 3) is one of the most abundant mineral in nature and a major raw material which is used commercially for the manufacture of titanium products, besides rutile, anatase and leucoxene.Ilmenite generally occurs in heavy minerals sands as placer deposits. Due to the high demand of TiO 2 and rapid development of the …
Pre-oxidation experiment. The objective of the pre-oxidation of ilmenite concentrate is to convert the ilmenite (FeTiO 3) into rutile (TiO 2) and hematite (Fe 2 O 3).Thermodynamic simulation of ...
separation of ilmenite from titanaugite by magnetite selective coating, Powder Technol. 344 (2019) 233 – 241 . [10] Y. Qian, Z. Wang, J. Cao, New depression mechanism of polymeric depressant on
An increase in magnetic susceptibility of ilmenite has been observed after oxidation during OCAC [5], which is a probable consequence of the Fe migration occurring. As of late, magnetic separation of ilmenite has been demonstrated during OCAC of waste wood at industrial settings [13].
The influence of surface dissolution on flotation separation of fine ilmenite from titanaugite was investigated through infrared spectroscopic (FT-IR) analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) test. The results show that surface dissolution in weak acid solution is helpful to enlarge the floatability difference between ilmenite and ...
The Performance and Adsorption Mechanism of a Novel Collector, Dodecyl Dimethyl Betaine (BS-12), for the Flotation Separation of Ilmenite and Titanaugite. In …
Éducation et emplacements. L'ilménite est présente en tant que composant de roches ignées telles que le gabbro et la diorite, parfois aussi dans des veines de quartz et parfois dans des roches métamorphiques. En tant que minéral résistant aux intempéries, il se dépose dans les sables des rivières avec la magnétite et le rutile sous ...
The PPA machine operates on a 20 cycle per second machine rate and is not flat topped. Due to these two factors spill lengths in the region of 5 - 10 milliseconds are not only "long" but contain ...
It can be concluded that microwave pretreatment can turn out to be a potential pre-treatment to enhance magnetic separation of ilmenite and improve recovery ratio of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) and ilmenite (FeTiO 3). Nomenclature. m. the metal weight of magnetic separation concentrates (g) defined by Eq. (1) m 0. the total metal weight of …
Magnetic separation of ilmenite, South African . Pat 74/7810. 23. Gouws JD and Van Dyk JP. 200 1. Ilmenite . beneficiation by roasting and mag netic separation, in .
The ilmenite and titanaugite used in this study were purified from the magnetic separation concentrate picked from the Midi titanium processing plant in Panzhihua. As the sample was treated by high-gradient magnetic separation, pure ilmenite and titanaugite were obtained by purifying the sample using a shaking table.
Acid leaching of ilmenite ore consists of two main stages, namely digestion (leaching) and solid/liquid separation (filtration). In the digestion stage: acid leaching of ilmenite ore was carried out using a 500 cm 3 three necked glass reactor provided with a reflux glass condenser and a mechanical agitator with a Teflon coated stirring rod.
Ilmenite contains TiO 2 ranging from 57.18 to 59.94%; this agrees with Garnar 31, who states that TiO 2 in ilmenite ranges from 45 to 65%. In addition, several studies have noted the presence of ...
The results of the single mineral flotation showed that the combination of NaOL and BS-12 could achieve selective separation of ilmenite from titanaugite, and …
VTM concentrate and Fe-separation tailing. Ilmenite can then be separated from the Fe-separation tailings through a strong magnetic enrichment process (or …
The flotation separation of ilmenite from titanaugite can be performed using the mixed NaOL-DAA in a wide pH range of 5.0–7.0. In this pH range, the recovery of ilmenite remains constant at approximately 90%, while the recovery of titanaugite remains < 25%. The best separation result can be achieved with NaOL-DAA molar ratios of 10:1.
In this study, the separation of ilmenite from titanaugite by magnetite coating was investigated, and the effect of sodium silicate on the coating behaviour of magnetite was illustrated. The latter was examined by magnetic coating and magnetic separation tests, scanning electron microscope (SEM), adsorption amounts, zeta …
Moreover, the magnetic field density of magnetic separation is 95.5 kA/m and 159.2 kA/m, respectively. The concentrate of the magnetic separation is the final iron concentrate (titanium magnetite), and the tailings are used as the feed for the separation of ilmenite ores (FeTiO 3). The fineness of the regrinding is 80% passing 74 μm.
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