- Composition: Gabbro is composed mainly of calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar, usually labradorite or bytownite, and pyroxene, typically clinopyroxene (such as augite) or orthopyroxene (such as hyper...
- Texture: Gabbro has a coarse-grained texture, with individual mineral grains visible to the naked eye. The grains are typically interlocking, giving the rock its characteristic appearance.
- Composition: Gabbro is composed mainly of calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar, usually labradorite or bytownite, and pyroxene, typically clinopyroxene (such as augite) or orthopyroxene (such as hyper...
- Texture: Gabbro has a coarse-grained texture, with individual mineral grains visible to the naked eye. The grains are typically interlocking, giving the rock its characteristic appearance.
- Color: Gabbro is typically dark-colored, ranging from dark gray to black, due to the presence of dark-colored minerals such as pyroxene and olivine.
- Occurrence: Gabbro is commonly found in large plutonic bodies, such as batholiths, which are large intrusive rock formations, and dikes, which are tabular intrusions that cut across other rocks. It...