Grown in USDA Zone 9-11, Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) is a small tree, reaching 10-20 ft in height and width. It is native to Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia, but is commercially grown in Australia, South America, Asia, Spain, Italy, and California. This fruit tree prefers much sun, though it can tolerate some semi-shade.
Soil Requirements for Growing Cherimoya Trees. Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) fruit up close. Cherimoya trees prefer well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter. The soil pH should be between 6.5 to 7.5. Heavy soils that retain too much water can cause root rot, which is detrimental to the health of the tree.
2024. TLDR. This study aimed to evaluate the interrelationships among six Annona species by employing twenty-four extracts derived from six distinct Annona species, which were subjected to in vitro evaluation and showed remarkable antioxidant activity with simultaneous cytotoxic effects. Bioactive constituents from Trichilia …
Annona cherimola in The Plant List Version 1.1. Published online. Accessed: 2018 Aug. 15. Tropicos 2018. Annona cherimola. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 15 Aug. 2018. Mansfeld's World Database of Agriculture and Horticultural Crops (1998 onwards) IPK Gatersleben. Accessed: 2013 Jan 31.
The antihyperglycemic activity of ethanolic extract from Annona cherimola Miller (EEAch) and its products were evaluated using in vivo and in silico assays. An α-glucosidase inhibition was evaluated with …
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) is an underused fruit crop with a clear niche for expansion in subtropical climates. In this study, 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were used to find molecular polymorphisms among 279 cherimoya accessions from a worldwide ex situ field germplasm collection. A total of 79 amplification fragments were ...
Annona cherimola Miller is a multipurpose tree with edible fruits and is one of the sources of the medicinal products. This review attempts to encompass the available literature on Annona ...
Madeira intends to export 40 tons of Annona via cargo plane to Europe but mostly to mainland Portugal and Spain. Interestingly, Cherimoya is still quite rare on continental Portugal. The Annona is a …
Annona cherimola [1] este o specie de plante angiosperme din genul Annona, familia Annonaceae, descrisă de Philip Miller. [2] [3] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Annona cherimola nu are subspecii cunoscute. [2] În general, se crede că este nativ în Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia și Chile, răspândind prin cultivare în Anzi și America ...
La chirimoya (Annona cherimola) es una especie de frutal, nativa de los Andes Ecuatorianos y Peruanos y es considerada como una de las frutas comestibles tropicales más valoradas dentro del género Annona.La chirimoya proviene de un árbol de crecimiento lento que puede llegar a alcanzar entre 7 y 8 metros de altura.; Su follaje es …
4 October 2022. Annona cherimola (cherimoya) Publication: PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank. https://doi/10.1079/pwkb.species.5806. Identity. Preferred Scientific Name. Annona cherimola Mill. Preferred …
Annona cherimola Mill. "custard apple" (Annonaceae), a fruit used for feeding in Ancient Peru, is described and illustrated in detail. Annona cherimola is found in the western slopes of Peru at ...
Annona cherimola Mill., or the custard apple, is one of the species belonging to the Annonaceae family, is widely used in traditional medicine, and has …
This review attempts to encompass the available literature on Annona cherimola with respect to its pharmacognostic characters, phytochemical constituents, pharmacological activities and traditional uses. Several plant remedies have been employed in various medicinal systems for the treatment and management of different diseases. …
Moringa oleifera, Tropaeolum tuberosum and Annona cherimola are medicinal plants traditionally used in Ecuador. However, their therapeutic properties are not completely known. We analyzed chromatographically ethanolic extracts of the seeds of M. oleifera, A. cherimola and the tubers of T. tuberosum; all presented a high content of …
Annona cherimola Mill (Cherimoya), which literally means "cold seeds", is a small domesticated tree that produces heart-shaped and conical edible fruit. The ovate-lanceolate leaves are glabrous on the ventral surface and pubescent dorsally . The commercial value of Cherimoya is mainly related to its fruit, essentially destined for fresh ...
Anona trojlupienková. Anona trojlupienková [1] (iné názvy: čerimoja [2], cherimoya [1]; lat. Annona cherimola) je rastlina z čeľade anonovité ( Annonaceae ). Je to opadavý menší strom poskytujúci veľmi lahodné ovocie, ktoré má ale …
Cherimoya, like most fruits, is an important source of natural compounds considered as bioactives. In the edible part of cherimoya, compounds such as polyphenols, tocopherols, phytosterol, diterpernes, and triterpenes have been identified. Some constituents of cherimoya pulp have been associated with different biological activities.
L'anona appartient à la famille des Annonaceae et au genre Annona, comprenant quelques espèces dont : Annona cherimola, la plus importante, l'anona spinosa (A. muricata), l'anona réticulée (A. reticulata) et l'anona bianca (A. squamosa ). Annona cherimola est un petit arbre, ne dépassant pas 7 m de haut, érigé, au feuillage ...
SUMMARY. The ethanol extract from Annona cherimola (300 mg/kg, EEAc), subsequent fractions (100 mg/kg) and rutin (30 mg/kg) were studied on alloxan-induced type 2 diabetic (AITD) and normoglycemic rats. The results suggest that rutin; an α-glucosidase inhibitor was responsible in part of the antihyperglycemic activity of A. cherimola.Its in vivo …
The mature A. cherimola flower is a syncarpous gynoecium with a conic shape composed of about 100 fused carpels surrounded at its base by several rows of anthers with up to 200 stamens, encircled by two whorls of three petals. The flower cycle from opening to anther dehiscence lasts two days: the flower opens on the morning of …
Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as cherimoya, is a tropical fruit well known due to its tasty flavour. In the present study the antioxidant activity of pulp, peel and seeds of four cultivars from A. cherimola Mill. from Madeira Island (Madeira, Funchal, Perry Vidal and Mateus II) was analysed. Moreover, nutritional composition ...
The cherimoya (Annona cherimola), also named chirimoya, is an edible fruit tree of the genus Annona belonging to the family Annonaceae. It is mostly present in tropical and subtropical world regions. This plant species has a long history of use in folk traditional medicine against degenerative and chronic diseases. Fruit and leaf tissues are ...
Annona cherimola is a woody perennial species in the Annonaceae family that produces edible fruits and has economic importance in several regions of the world …
This paper explores the possibilities of incorporating molecular marker data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to allow visualization and better understanding of spatial patterns of genetic diversity as a key input to optimize conservation and use of plant genetic resources, based on a case study of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.), a ...
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) is a perennial fruit tree crop native to the Neotropics valued since pre-Columbian times by different native American civilizations.It belongs to the Annonaceae, the largest family of the Magnoliid clade, sister to the eudicot and monocot clades of angiosperms. Despite its excellent organoleptic and nutritive …
Annona cherimola Mill., or the custard apple, is one of the species belonging to the Annonaceae family, is widely used in traditional medicine, and has been reported to be a valuable source of bioactive compounds. A unique class of secondary metabolites derived from this family are Annonaceous acetogenins, lipophilic polyketides …
Annona cherimola Mill. cherimoya. Synonyms. Symbol Scientific Name; Annona cherimola Mill. cherimoya. Annona cherimola Mill. cherimoya. Data Source. Last Revised by: Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Team. Data Documentation. The PLANTS Database includes the following data sources of Annona …
Annona cherimola is a fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree, erect but low branched and somewhat shrubby or spreading; ranging from 5 to 9 m in height; and its young …
Annona cherimola is an exotic fruit from the Andean highlands in western South America. The fruit skin, flesh and juice have antioxidant capacity confirmed using the oxygen radical absorbance ...
Annona cherimola Mill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8, Annona no. 5. 1768.. Arbustos a árboles pequeños; ramas jóvenes tomentosas. Hojas elípticas, raramente lanceolado-elípticas u obovado-elípticas, 7.8 20.5 cm de largo y 3.2 11 cm de ancho, ápice obtuso a redondeado, base cuneada a obtusa y ligeramente decurrente, membranáceas, glabrescentes en la …
The fruit is easily broken or cut open, exposing the snow-white, juicy flesh, of pleasing aroma and delicious, subacid flavor; and containing numerous hard, brown or black, beanlike, glossy seeds, ½ to 3/4 in (1.25 to 2 cm) …
Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) and Annona atemoya (Atemoya) are tropical plants known for their edible fruit. Scientific data suggest that their leaves, used …
Aiheesta muualla. Suomuannoona (Annona cherimola)Kassu – Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet: Suomuannoona eli kirimoija (Annona cherimola)Annoona (Annona cherimoia) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)UniProt: Taxonomy - Annona cherimola (englanniksi) Flora of China: Annona cherimolia (englanniksi) Centre for Agriculture and …
Annona cherimola is a fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree, erect but low branched and somewhat shrubby or spreading; ranging from 5 to 9 m in height; and its young branchlets are rusty-hairy. The attractive leaves are single and alternate, 2-ranked, with minutely hairy petioles 6 to 12.5 mm long; ovate to elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, short
It can also be grown in subtropical and warm temperate basically frost-free areas. Prefers a moist, sandy loam with a pH around 6 [. 200. ]. It grows well on a wide range of soil types from light to heavy, but seems to do best on a medium soil of moderate fertility [. 303. ]. It prefers a pH in the range 6.5 - 7.6 [.
Phenolic, flavonoids and alkaloids contents. Table (1) revealed the total phenols in bark, fruit and seed extracts were lower than its content in leaves. The highest concentration of total phenolic was found with butanol and total alcohol extract of leaves of A. cherimola (20.68, 21.45 mg/g, respectively).
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