Amongst the various strength characteristics of rocks, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is the parameter most frequently employed to evaluate rock …
Abstract. This article focuses on the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of homogeneous and heterogeneous rocks. Critical factors impacting the UCS of rocks …
Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is a key physical test relevant to iron ore crusher design and rock geomechanics for mining. Tests are typically performed on intact …
This study evaluates estimation of UCS of rocks from several empirical equations. The study uses data of point load strength ( Is (50)), Schmidt rebound …
Two kinds of samples were prepared in this paper. The first one was the cylindrical core samples used for UCS, obtained from rock block samples and prepared exactly based on ASTM D4543 (American Society for Testing Materials, 2010).Totally 17 rock blocks of limestone and sandstones were collected from different outcrops which …
For the UCS test, rock core samples with flat ends were placed between the platens of the UTM machine and loaded axially until it was failed (see Fig. 3). To measure BTS, rock disc samples were ...
The variability (coefficient of variation) of UCS test results for homogeneous rocks is found to be generally <25% while for heterogeneous rocks the variability is …
Mishra and Basu [], Lashkaripour [], and Aydin and Basu [] used rock geomechanical properties and index tests to estimate UCS.Tugrul and Zarif [] used porosity to predict UCS, while Mishra and Basu [] predicted UCS with index tests such as the block punch index test (BPI) and the PLI.In recent years, several equations for the prediction …
GeoConsult has had a long history of providing quality geotechnical analysis from field sampling and logging to comprehensive geotechnical reporting. With the new CONTROL 2000kN, model 50-C4622 we can now offer industry standard uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) testing. UCS Testing in accordance with; AS 4133.4.2-1993 & AS4133.4.3.1 - 2009.
In Table 2, it can be seen that the R 2 of the UCS-V p correlations for sedimentary rocks and regional metamorphic rocks (slate) are larger than those for igneous rocks and contact metamorphic rocks (marble). In addition, the slope of the UCS-V p regression curve for limestone (Fig. 1 (a)) increases slowly with increasing rock …
1. Introduction. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the most widely used rock mechanical parameters in rock engineering like design and construction of foundations, tunneling, slope stability investigations, etc. UCS is also the only parameter to assess rock material strength in Rock Mass Rating (RMR) proposed by Bieniawski …
The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test is crucial in determining the strength and stiffness behavior of intact rock and is frequently utilized by industry to …
The point load index (PLI) test is one of the most frequently applied indirect methods in predicting the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS). Depending on the rock sample shape, the PLI test is performed in four procedures: axial, diametrical, block, and irregular lump tests. The present research aims to conduct a comparative study on the …
The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock is a basic parameter in underground engineering design. The disadvantages of this commonly employed laboratory testing method are untimely testing, difficulty in performing core testing of broken rock mass and long and complicated onsite testing processes. Therefore, the development of a fast and …
The commonly used standard UCS tests are expensive, time-consuming and difficult to quantitatively evaluate the UCS of fragmented rocks because these rocks cannot be effectively cored. To solve the above problems, a method for predicting UCS of rock mass based on digital drilling test technology is introduced in this paper.
The results indicate that sample geometry can significantly affect rock mechanical properties: (1) UCS decreases with the increase of length to diameter ratio (LDR), and the UCS standardize factor ...
One of the parameters which affect the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock materials is the length to diameter ratio (L/D) of test cores. ASTM recommends a ratio of between 2 and 2.5, and ISRM suggests 2.5–3:1. Research has shown that high UCS values are obtained for L/D ratios <2, a very slight difference in values between 2 and …
Dari hasil pengujian kuat tekan, dapat digambarkan kurva tegangan-regangan (stress-strain) untuk tiap sampel batu, kemudian dari kurva ini dapat ditentukan sifat mekanik batuan. Sebenarnya dari UCS test tidak hanya nilai UCS yang bisa kita dapat tetapi nilai nilai seperti batas elastik, modulus Young dan Poison Ratio juga dapat kita tentukan ...
Introduction. Point Load (PL) is a test that aims at characterizing rock materials in terms of strength. It is an index test, meaning that it can be performed relatively quickly and without the necessity of sophisticated equipment to provide important data on the mechanical properties of rocks. Index tests have been widely used in soil ...
Multiple regression equations developed from index test results to predict UCS of rock materials. +10 Simple regression analysis between SRH (in %) and UCS (in MPa).
While most of the tests (UCS, E, SHH, SSH, HB, HV, BTS, BPI, BSA, Vp, ISI, CRS, CI, P, f, and Is 50) are carried out according to the application procedures described in Teymen (2020), the application details of other tests (RIHN, ISI, CRS, CI, P, and UW) are explained in Teymen (2019).To carry out the IHI test, a point load test device that is …
Rock strength is one of the most important parameters in geotechnical engineering. During excavation using a tunnel boring machine (TBM), a rapid and effective method to estimate rock strength is needed. The TBM muck produced during excavation contains blocky fragments which are suitable for a point load test (PLT). To use the PLT …
Romana & Vasarhelyi (2007) present similar conclusions regarding wet and dry UCS ratio: for strong rocks, the ratio varies between 80 and 90%, for medium strength rocks, between 60 and 70%, and ...
between the digital core drilling parameters and rock UCS is generated for the proposed digital core drilling-based rock UCS forecast method. 2 Digital core drilling test 2.1 Test equipment The rock digital core drilling test is based on a rock mass digital drilling system that was developed by the authors, as shown in Fig. 1.
Histograms of UCS test results completed on some homogeneous rock datasets. Showing fit normal distributions to each dataset. Statistical summary provided in Table 1. PDF-Probability …
Direct Tension Test. A direct tension test is simulated on the same numerical sample as was used in the UCS test (see {" tension.p2dat " in 2D; " tension.p3dat " in 3D}). To perform the test, the walls are deleted and a row of particles at the top and bottom of the sample are identified as "grips" (figure below).
Sample preparation. + £ 20.00. Material required. The sample should be sufficient to permit 5 test scratches (10 mm) at least 5 mm from the edge of the rock surface and each test should be 5 mm apart. If it is a core, the diameter should be less than 76 mm and length less than 150 mm. Ideally size is like a tennis ball.
The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is a mechanical property of intact rocks that is important in civil and mining engineering works (Aladejare 2020; Aladejare et al. 2020; Wang and Aladejare 2016a).Design and stability analysis of underground excavations and other geotechnical structures require the input of data like UCS on the …
In this paper, studies related to UCS estimation using indirect tests were reviewed, it was found that regression techniques and soft computing techniques were …
How do you conduct a UCS test? Test procedure. Take two frictionless bearing plates of 75 mm diameter. Place the specimen on the base plate of the load frame (sandwiched between the end plates). Place a hardened steel ball on the bearing plate. Adjust the center line of the specimen such that the proving ring and the steel ball are in …
This research presented a new laboratory test for estimating rock's UCS, from rock cuttings. However, to perform the test in this study, an apparatus was used which could carry out uniform, slow, and controlled load on single particles. The UCS of 10 microcrystalline limestone block samples, from Asmari formation outcrops was determined.
The mechanical properties of rock, especially the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), the elastic modulus (E), and the Brazilian tensile strength (BTS) are critically important for rock engineering. Since standard laboratory tests have some limitations, various indirect methods have been developed for estimating these mechanical …
different rock failure modes under uniaxial compression test. When uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) increased for the rock then the different types of failure modes can be seen accordingly. Generally rock samples fail through one or more extensional planes of the fracture development in brittle crystalline rock materials.
This paper presents a comparative evaluation of efficacies of different index tests and analysis techniques (i.e. regression analyses and fuzzy inference system) in …
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